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About ‘Buagyi

‘Buagyi is a small town located in the Western Equatoria State of South Sudan, the youngest country in the world. South Sudan experiences one of the highest rates of maternal mortality, one that is five times that of other developing countries, based on data from the World Bank. 

‘Buagyi, which is located about 135 KM west of Juba, the Capital City, has a small health unit that currently serves its entire population especially women, mothers, children, and those of the surrounding communities. But health outcomes in the community are poor. A lack of funding, sufficient staff, and shortage of resources means that the center is not a safe space for people to receive proper health care, particularly for mothers to deliver their babies. For example, on February 19, 2022, Aya Samuel Mbasa delivered twins in the local facility, but unfortunately, the twins did not survive, and Aya also died due to severe bleeding from the labor and delivery process. If she had been in a medical facility that could have supported her as she went through childbirth, with adequate supplies, space, and trained and dedicated health care staff, their beautiful lives could have been saved.






Exhibit 1: Pictures of the current state of the ‘Buagyi Health Unit


What we ask for

‘Buagyi’s health unit is not safe for women to give birth; no one would wish for their baby to be born in such conditions. However, you can make a difference by supporting the NACC to bring change to the people of ‘Buagyi and the surrounding villages.


To construct a facility where women from ‘Buagyi and the surrounding communities can safely deliver their babies and children can receive quality care, NACC is raising US $ 224,350.00 to build the new ‘Buagyi health facility. NACC hopes that what happened to Aya Samuel Mbasa never happens to another woman seeking care at the ‘Buagyi health unit. 


We need your help to make our efforts go even further. Your contribution will go towards construction of the new ‘Buagyi Health Facility to provide better healthcare for the people of ‘Buagyi and its surrounding communities. 


To make a gift, you can use this GoFundMe link or send a check to the address below. Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.



Exhibit 2: Picture of the design of the new ‘Buagyi Health Centre


About the Planned ‘Buagyi Maternity Center

The Buagyi Maternity Centre will be a part of a Rural Hospital. The team will consist of a doctor, trained nurse- midwives, clinical officers, and medical assistants. 


The facility will consist of 25 beds, a Women’s Ward, a Pediatric Ward, an operation theatre, a Labor (Delivery) room, a post-natal room, a pharmacy, a laboratory, and an outpatient clinic.  

Medical and surgical services will be provided to women and children in a Maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) setting. 


The facility will provide the services below: 

  • Antenatal Care: Includes monitoring of pregnant women throughout pregnancy to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy is progressing and any issues, like pre-eclampsia, which is a major complication of pregnancy leading to complications in labour, are caught early and managed carefully by skilled health providers

    • Treat cases of malaria, anaemia, chest infections or upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, and other ailments experienced during pregnancy

  • Labour & Delivery Services: Provide delivery service for high-risk pregnancies, including first-time pregnancies, second-time pregnancies, delivery of multiples (twins, triplets), babies who have too much amniotic fluid surrounding them, labor that fails to progress, pre-eclamptic women, women with gestational diabetes, and breech deliveries, etc.

    • Conduct assisted deliveries and active management of the third stage of labor

  • Obstetric & Gynaecological Operations: If needed, conduct Caesarean deliveries, hysterectomies, and laparotomies.

  • Postnatal Care: provide clinics on breastfeeding

  • Gynaecological Services: Evacuation of retained products of miscarriage, treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease and sexually transmitted infections, such as Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Trachomatis vaginalis, etc.

  • Family Planning and Child Spacing: Provide access to and information on contraception methods

  • Paediatric services: Immunization programs (Expanded Program on Immunization or EPI), child growth monitoring, treatment of malnutrition, chest infections, diarrheal diseases, and malaria as outpatients or inpatients, as needed.


About NACC

The North America Centenary Committee (NACC) is a South Sudanese non-profit organization based in the United States of America (USA). It was established in 2020 to bring socio-economic development to the people of South Sudan. NACC was established by the diaspora living in North America in honor of the centenary celebration of the work of Dr. Fraser in Greater Mundri. 


Registration number: 2021 300 4593


For more information, please contact: NACC Secretary General, Dr. David S. Bassiouni


Telephone: (212) 960-8505

Partners for World Health (PWH), an American Non-Profit Organization has already donated Maternity Equipment worth over $250,000 for this new facility plus they donated $5,000 towards the shipment cost. NACC so far has raised $6,000.

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